Silas Caste


Silas Caste

Silas Caste

Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery

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  • Member Since

    Jun 2021

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    20 March

  • Profession

    Author and IT Consultant


Silas Caste is a father, an author, and a survivor. His debut novel, Interrupted Dreams, is inspired by the true events of an attack on his life that resulted in a bullet hole through his cheek and two toddlers to raise as a full-time single dad. As a male survivor of domestic violence, Silas aims to bring attention to the often-untold stories of men who end up in abusive situations, many times without anywhere to turn or anyone to listen.

Today, Silas calls North Carolina home where he’s raising his two boys and their dog, Riju. You can connect with him at his website,, his Twitter or Instagram, @bulletheadbooks, or his Facebook page,

A portion of proceeds from Silas Caste’s books will be donated to charities aimed at helping domestic violence victims and survivors.

Silas Caste Books

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